Humans are emotional beings by nature. We’re not programmed to run statistical scenarios to show a probability of success within seconds. Decisions are made at an emotional level, especially during times of disruption like a market downturn or the current Covid-19 pandemic. Clients with a financial plan feel a sense of security and peace of mind. As their financial advisor, incorporating the behavioral aspect of financial planning can lead to stronger client relationships.

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light Bulb

Create Moments That Matter

"We had a client who suffered an unexpected loss in the family. Since the client did not manage the finances in the household we walked through the data and numbers. Seeing some of the weight being lifted as we adjusted the client’s plan and walked through aspects like how to transfer a 401K or execute a will was a moment we know we helped the client in a meaningful way."

"The last year was tough for a few of our clients. One that came to mind lost their job after 20 years with the company and wasn’t sure what was next or how secure they were. During any other time we would’ve met face-to-face but we met virtually, made adjustments to their current plan and walked through each to see what felt comfortable. Hearing that audible sigh of relief tells me it gave the client some peace of mind at that moment."

"Changing a potential client’s perspective is always a highlight that sticks out to me. When you see the skepticism turn to trust when they’re welcomed into the discussion of adjusting goals or scenarios while in Decision Center for the first time…that’s when you know a new relationship is ready to be formed."

"In an annual review meeting with a client, after demonstrating eMoney, the client enthused about the Client Portal—he’d just retired, and the aggregated view of his accounts helped him manage his budget. Based on his planning experience with eMoney, the client committed an additional $2 million to manage."

"From our point of view, seeing the client add various held away assets while they’re adding accounts in their client portal is a lightbulb moment for our business. Not just because it’s more opportunity for the business but it opens the door to connect with the client on a deeper level and see if we can help them in every imaginable way."


Research shows that the expectations for advice are not set by leaders in the financial industry. They are set by the digital interactions that clients have every single day with the tech leaders of the world. To stand out, you need a client experience that sets you apart from the rest.

In this eBook, you’ll explore how to start building your client experience by learning:

– Why does the client experience matter?
– Why does it matter right now?
– What do your clients want?

Download Ebook
Planning Generation
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of eMoney clients saw Improved AUM since using eMoney

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Of eMoney clients saw increased revenue since using eMoney

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of eMoney clients saw improvement in attracting new clients since using eMoney

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of eMoney clients have seen an improvement in client retention since using eMoney

Lead with Financial Planning to:

Build and Deliver More Plans for More People

According to a recent Fidelity study, advisors who practice Holistic Wealth Planning deliver over 2x more plans/year.2

Point to Long-Term Success

90% of advisors surveyed felt that financial planning was critical to their long-term success.2

Engage the Next Generation

When asked to name top priorities for choosing to work with an advisor, Gen X investors stated that years of experience (43%), and personalized advice for a holistic financial picture (37%) were leading reasons.4

Promote Client Collaboration

95% of advisors felt financial planning enables deeper client relationships and promotes collaboration with clients.2

Work in your Client's Best Interest

The CFP Board emphasizes a holistic approach based on their objective to make certain advisors get a full view of the client's goals so that clients aren't receiving advice that isn't in their best interest.

Create More Opportunities

According to a recent Fidelity study, advisors who practice Holistic Wealth Planning grew their clients/HHs by 13% on average, compared to 8% among others, in the past year.2

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Let Your Peers Guide You

Daniel J. Galli Principal

“eMoney is the tool that allows us to provide planning and charge an appropriate fee for the service. At the close of the financial planning experience, the question commonly asked by clients is, ‘How can we continue to work together?’”

Daniel J. Galli Principal,
Daniel J. Galli & Associates

Ready to learn more about how eMoney’s solutions can support you in your planning journey?